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Amelia Earhart and Poetry
The Biggest Reader Challenge continues! It has been a week or so since I have read much for the challenge. I took a small break to read a couple of adult books. So last week I started back on the challenge and found myself reading poetry anthologies. I love poetry! It's one of my favorite things to read and occasionally I write poetry too- well I use to. I wrote one for my husband and used it for our wedding 9 years ago. That is probably the last time I really worked on personal poetry. Now I just enjoy reading it and looking through a full aisle of children's poetry books. Every April I try to focus on a specific poet and I make sure I do a National Poetry Month display in Youth Services. The first book I choose from the shelf was, Opps! By: Alan Katz, which are was pretty funny. I have read his other poetry books like, Take Me Out of the Bathtub, and loved them but I had never picked up one of his larger books. It was wonderful of course! If the Shoe Fits: Voices from Cinderella by Laura Whipple was another selection. This books is poetry written from different characters perspectives in the Cinderella story. There is a poem from the wicked stepmother, the fairy godmother, the mice, and even the glass slipper! It is a neat collection of poetry that most girls would love! Heroes and She-Roes: Poems of Amazing and Everyday Heroes by J. Patrick Lewis was the next poetry book I selected. A couple of years ago we had J. Pat come to our Library and he was wonderful. I had not actually read this book yet, so I thought now was a great time. It was wonderfully written - of course! And my favorite poem from this particular book was called "The Riveter" which was all about Rosie the Riveter. The Young Oxford Book of Christmas Poems was the next book that caught my eye. I love Christmas, it's my favorite holiday and anytime I can read Christmas poetry I do. It is a collection of old and new poetry. Some things were classics and then there were some funny ones thrown in there too. One that I really enjoyed was called "Carol" and was all about that famous Christmas nativity play that a lot of churches still do! It was very funny and if you work with your church for the nativity play or if you ever have you should read this poem. Brings back memories of reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Last but not least was Heart to Heart: New Poems Inspired by 20th Century American Art, edited by Jan Greenburg. This poetry selection was a nice surprising find! When I come across a neat book like this, that has been sitting on a book shelf for a couple of years unnoticed to many, it makes me appreciate the Biggest Reader Challenge even more. I love art and so to read another person's perspective about a painting and what they saw when they looked at it was very cool.
I decided to read a biography about Amelia Earhart. I love to go to the movies at the big theatre. So when I saw a preview for an upcoming movie titled Amelia with Hilary Swank and Richard Gere I was immediately intrigued. Before reading the bio about her I really didn't know much about her. I choose the DK Illustrated Biography series for my source of information. I came to realize that there was a lot more to Amelia Earhart then just flying. She was a social worker for a long time and loved doing that job. The book held great photographs and did well to aide in explaining her life and the people that were most important to her. The biography did well to explain her last trip in an airplane. In 1937 when she was on the last leg of her long trip around the world, she was suddenly missing somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. It was a little bit mysterious, which made the book that much more intriguing. And the fact that historians have still not determined for sure what happened to her and the other pilot she was with is fascinating to me. I cannot wait to go and see the movie when it comes to the big screen.
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